Give to the LORD the glory due His name... Oh, worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness!
1 Chronicles 16:29
We are devoted to singing and writing songs that reflect God’s worthiness. Our worship teams serve in various services from week to week. In every way, we worship in Spirit and truth, and lead others in the same.

Worship Leaders
These folks serve to bring kids, teens, and adults into a place of worship in church services, small groups, classrooms, and anywhere else people want to worship.

Musicians & Singers
This group of skilled players and singers rotates from week to week to create a team of worshippers that support our worship leaders.

Audio & Visual
These are the folks that take care of our sound systems, projectors, presentation/production computers. Training available!
Are you interested in volunteering as a part of the Worship Ministry? Take a moment to fill out the volunteer application and we’ll be in touch.